A Guide to Writing a Powerful CV

29 Sep 2022

In today’s competitive job market, having a powerful Curriculum Vitae (CV) is essential to standing out among the numerous applicants. A well-structured and professionally written CV can greatly increase one’s chances of landing the desired position. Creating a strong CV involves highlighting the individual’s professional and academic history, skills, and achievements in a concise and clear manner.

Starting with a header that includes name, phone number, and email address, a job seeker ensures that potential employers can easily identify and reach them. It is equally important to include a professional summary that highlights the candidate’s skills and experience – essentially providing a snapshot of their value to the company.

Broken into clearly defined sections, the CV should outline work experience, education, and relevant skills, tailoring each aspect to the specific job requirements. It may also be beneficial to list key accomplishments and include any certifications or professional affiliations that support the individual’s qualifications. Overall, keeping a CV organised, accurate, and compelling is crucial for successfully navigating the job search process.

80% of CVs do not get shortlisted by recruiters, so it’s important you write a powerful CV to attract the reader’s attention! Even having a professional email address can go a long way – 43% of CVs are discarded when an email address is considered unprofessional.

Make sure that you’re actually eligible and qualified for a role before applying, as around 35% of candidates who apply for jobs are actually qualified. It’s also important to not lie on your CV, or your chances of getting the job will immediately go out the window. 52% of candidates believe it’s necessary to lie in order to get an interview, where 47.3% of these admitted that their lies didn’t even work in securing the role.

We provide a CV template for those of you wondering what best way to structure your CV – but remember, structure it in a way which you feel best resembles yourself.

Essential Elements of a CV

A powerful CV is essential in making a strong first impression and increasing your chances of securing a job interview. It is crucial to include certain elements in your CV to create an effective and impactful document. In this section, we will cover the essential elements of a CV and provide guidance on how to present them effectively.

The contact information is the first element on your CV and includes your name, phone number, email address, and, if applicable, professional social media links or a personal website. Make sure your contact information is up-to-date and easily accessible, as this is how employers will get in touch with you.

The personal profile is a brief summary of your qualifications, achievements, strengths and career goals. This section should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for to demonstrate your suitability. Convey your value and unique selling points concisely, as this will determine whether the employer continues reading your CV or not.

Education and qualifications should be presented in reverse chronological order, with your most recent qualifications listed first. Mention the name of the institution, the degree obtained, and the dates attended. If relevant, you can also include information on your overall grade or your grades in specific subjects.

Your work experience should also be presented in reverse chronological order. For each position, mention your job title, the company name, the start and end dates, and a brief overview of your responsibilities and achievements. Focus on results and quantify your accomplishments where possible, using metrics to show your direct impact on the organisation.

skills section is important for showcasing your technical, transferable, and soft skills relevant to the job you are applying for. Present your skills using bullet points and split them into two or three columns for readability. This will demonstrate your diverse skill set and its relevance to the position.

Lastly, consider including a section on additional achievements, interests, or volunteer work. This can showcase your involvement in extracurricular activities, hobbies or interests that can help demonstrate your passion, adaptability, and other qualities that might be relevant to the role.

By incorporating these essential elements in a well-structured and visually appealing format, your CV will stand out to employers and improve your chances of being invited for an interview.

Personal Details

Contact Information

It is essential to provide accurate and up-to-date contact information on a CV. This includes the applicant’s full name, home address, telephone number, and email address. Providing this information allows potential employers to easily get in touch regarding interviews, offers, or other important updates related to the job application process. Make sure the email address is professional and appropriate for a job application. Additionally, it may be helpful to include LinkedIn profile or a personal website in this section if it’s relevant to the position.

Professional Summary

A powerful CV should contain a concise yet informative professional summary that highlights the applicant’s key skills, expertise, and accomplishments. This section should be tailored to the specific job being applied for, demonstrating how the applicant’s qualifications make them the ideal candidate for the position. A well-written professional summary provides a solid introduction to the CV and can effectively capture the interest of a hiring manager. Use the following format for a professional summary:

  1. Years of Experience: State the number of years of experience in the relevant field or industry.
  2. Key Skills: List the most important skills related to the job, such as technical expertise, project management, or communication.
  3. Achievements: Mention any noteworthy achievements, such as awards or successful projects that showcase the applicant’s abilities and accomplishments.
  4. Objective or Goal: Briefly express the career ambitions or goals, highlighting how the job aligns with the applicant’s professional aspirations.

Remember to keep the professional summary focused and concise, emphasising only the most relevant information that will make a strong impression on potential employers.

Education and Qualifications

The Education and Qualifications section is a crucial part of a powerful CV. It showcases your academic achievements and displays the level of knowledge you possess in your field. Employers typically look for this information to gauge your background and expertise. Don’t worry if you don’t have extensive work experience, as your educational background can make up for it.

When writing the education portion of your CV, first include the names and locations of schools attended. This information allows hiring managers to understand your level of education. Endeavour to list your qualifications and education in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent.

For each entry, mention the qualification or degree, the institution, and the graduation date. For instance:

  • BSc in Computer Science, University of Manchester, 2019-2022
  • A Levels in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, Anytown College, 2017-2019

If you are a recent graduate, it might be helpful to include your top achievements or results. However, those with more work experience should focus on their professional accomplishments.

An effective way to demonstrate your education and qualifications is to use bullet points. This format allows employers to easily scan the information:

  • MSc in Engineering, University of Edinburgh, 2015-2017
    • Distinction in Thesis: “The future of robotics in the 21st century”
  • BEng in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, 2012-2015
    • First Class Honours
    • Awarded the XYZ Engineering Scholarship

For those with ongoing or unfinished degrees, it’s essential to mention the expected completion date or clarify the current status. For example:

  • PhD in Neuroscience, in progress, University of Oxford, 2020-Present
    • Anticipated completion in 2024

It’s also beneficial to include any relevant coursework, certifications, or professional development related to your industry. However, remember to keep it brief and focus on the most pertinent information.

In summary, a clear and concise Education and Qualifications section is vital for creating a powerful CV. Reflect upon your academic achievements and list them in a manner that showcases your potential to prospective employers.

Work Experience

Relevant Positions

When writing the work experience section of your CV, it is essential to focus on relevant positions that showcase your skills and achievements specific to the role you are applying for. Detail each position with the job title, company name, and dates of employment using a consistent format. For instance:

  • Marketing Manager, XYZ Company, Jan 2018 – Dec 2021
  • Assistant Marketing Manager, ABC Agency, Jun 2015 – Dec 2017

Furthermore, use bullet points to elaborate on your duties, accomplishments, and any quantifiable results that show your effectiveness in each role:

  • Developed and executed marketing strategies that increased website traffic by 30%
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design successful social media campaigns
  • Managed advertising budgets of up to £50,000 annually and achieved a 15% cost reduction


To ensure your CV stands out, it’s vital to highlight your achievements in the work experience section. This can be done by showcasing specific wins, awards, or successful projects you have played a key role in.

For example, you could mention:

  • Secured a £2 million contract with a prominent client, leading to a 20% increase in annual revenue
  • Implemented process improvements that reduced project completion time by 25%
  • Awarded ‘Employee of the Year’ for demonstrating consistent top performance and leadership

By emphasising your relevant skills, qualifications, and achievements, you can successfully convey your value to potential employers and build a powerful CV that showcases your expertise.

Skills and Expertise

A powerful CV showcases a candidate’s skills and expertise, making it essential to include relevant technical and soft skills. This section will help you present your most relevant skills for the job you are applying for.

Technical Skills

Technical skills are essential in various professions, and highlighting them demonstrates your ability to perform specific tasks. Some key technical skills to consider including on your CV are:

  • Programming languages: List the languages you are proficient in, such as Python, Java, or C++.
  • Software applications: Mention any specific software tools you have experience with, such as Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, or project management tools.
  • Data analysis: Include your expertise in data analysis techniques, such as statistical analysis and forecasting.
  • Product/service knowledge: Showcase your understanding of the industry’s products or services, making it clear you can effectively communicate with customers and clients.

Make sure to tailor your technical skills to the specific job you are applying for by reviewing the job description and selecting relevant examples.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are equally important as they highlight your ability to work with others and tackle challenging situations. Here are some examples of soft skills to consider including on your CV:

  • Problem-solving: Demonstrate your ability to find solutions, make decisions, and adapt to unforeseen challenges.
  • Communication: Showcase your written and verbal communication skills, emphasising your ability to convey complex ideas to various audiences.
  • Teamwork: Highlight your capability to work with others, collaborate on projects, and contribute positively to group dynamics.
  • Time management: Display your ability to manage time effectively, prioritise tasks, and meet deadlines.

It’s essential to provide specific examples of how you have demonstrated these soft skills in your professional life. Doing so will help potential employers understand the value you can bring to their organisation.

Ultimately, striking a balance between technical and soft skills in your CV will ensure you present a well-rounded picture of your expertise, increasing your chances of being considered for the role.

Additional Sections


Including relevant certifications in your CV can showcase your qualifications and expertise in a specific field. List your certifications with the title, awarding institution, and completion date. For instance:

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) — Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, March 2021
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) — Project Management Institute, May 2022

Volunteer Work

Adding volunteer work to your CV demonstrates your commitment to contributing to your community and implies a strong work ethic. Clearly describe your responsibilities, the organisation, and the duration of your involvement. For example:

  • June 2022 – Present: Volunteer Tutor at ABC Charity, providing English and Maths lessons to disadvantaged children
  • September 2021 – February 2022: Event Coordinator for XYZ Non-profit, organising and overseeing fundraising events


Proficiency in multiple languages can give you a competitive edge in the job market, especially for roles requiring international communication. List the languages you speak, along with your level of proficiency (beginner, intermediate, advanced, or fluent). Consider using a language proficiency scale, such as CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), for a standardised representation. For instance:

  • English: Fluent (native)
  • Spanish: Advanced (C1)
  • German: Intermediate (B2)

Consider incorporating these additional sections into your CV to showcase your unique skills and experiences, making you a stronger candidate for the position you’re seeking. Remember to keep your language confident, knowledgeable, and neutral while using clear and concise British English.

Presentation and Formatting


A well-structured layout is crucial for creating an impactful CV. Ensure that your CV is easy to read by breaking the information into distinct sections. Keep the most important information, such as your contact details and work experience, towards the top. Provide sufficient white space between sections to help the reader easily browse through your CV.

  • Use headings and subheadings to organise information
  • Keep a consistent style throughout
  • Limit your CV to 1-2 pages for readability


Choosing the right typography can significantly improve the overall appearance of your CV. Opt for clear and legible fonts to make your CV easily readable. Stick to professional-looking fonts, and avoid overly stylised or ornate fonts, which can be distracting and less accessible.

  • Font size should be between 10 and 12 points for main text, while headings can be slightly larger
  • Use bold text for headings and key elements like job titles or education
  • Keep a consistent font style and size throughout the document
  • Limit the use of italics and underlining as they can make the text more difficult to read

By paying attention to layout and typography, your CV will be more visually pleasing and easier to navigate, increasing your chances of capturing the attention of potential employers.

Take a look at our CV template!

Our CV template can give you a good idea to how to structure yours. We’d advise you to only use it for inspiration – you can represent yourself more through having your own flow!

Now you know what you should include, take the time and work on building your own CV. You won’t get it perfect first time, so start off with a rough draft.

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