Technology Plays a Critical Role in Affecting Company Culture

27 Nov 2022

Company culture boils down to two things: connection and values. What technology can do, is help boost both of these factors, through building connection between people and enabling companies to put their values into action.

Technology effectively has the power to create a more intimate environment between employees, where the whole experience is enhanced. For organisations where communication, collaboration, trust, transparency, and other related values and behaviours are important, technology can play a critical role in supporting the culture – particularly in a remote or hybrid environment.

If you’re wanting to find out more about corporate culture, have a look at our article which highlights the steps to take to build a positive workplace culture.

Let’s look more into the specifics on how technology can influence and promote a positive corporate culture…

How Technology Plays a Role in Changing Company Culture

Technology may not be able to single-handedly create change on corporate culture, but it provides an opportunity to have a huge impact. Here are some of the ways you can use technology to establish, reinforce, or change your company’s culture:

  • Employee Recognition

Having a rewarding culture helps promote a positive corporate culture, where managers can recognise the hard work their staff put into the business. There are performance recognition technologies which can help managers reward their employees.

Disco is a perfect example of recognition software, where it encourages employees and managers to celebrate other staff’s wins. They do this through features which prompt a reaction from other members. There is also the option for Pulse Surveys, which builds a feedback culture – making for a more positive corporate culture. The idea basically helps build a more celebratory working environment.

  • Outlines a Clear Career Path

Having a clear career path can help motivate employees, boosting overall productivity which helps create a positive working culture. Several companies have multiple recruiting, performance management, goal setting, and leadership tools in place that harness employee potential, and provides them with well-defined touch-points and career milestones.

The benefit of this technology is that it helps organisations adopt a culture of fair play, equal opportunity, robust productivity, where there is no bias or prejudice. The software allows for managers to plan their employees’ career paths collaboratively, where they can complete eLearning tasks on their journey, or track their progress digitally.

  • Provide and Receive Feedback

As mentioned earlier, Disco is an example of software that can be used by organisations to help increase feedback through employee pulse surveys. Some software solutions allow for managers to provide feedback to staff quicker than if they were to do annual performance reviews, allowing for more frequent feedback.

This helps improve communication in a company, where feedback can be used to help improve the business’ weaknesses continuously. Continuous improvement helps build corporate culture.

  • Offers More Flexibility

As seen during the pandemic, most of the world would have frozen entirely if it wasn’t for technology. The technologies available to us make it a lot easier for staff to work remotely, or when travelling – where employees can also “clock in” at more convenient hours if they cannot be in the office during working hours.

This flexibility had become so popular during the pandemic, that a lot companies are now offering a hybrid alternative to work – where staff can work from home on certain days if they’d like. This flexibility helps staff work more around their schedule, which overall improves productivity and creates a positive culture.

30% of the UK workforce is working remotely at least once a week in 2022, and 8% of UK workers didn’t even enter the office for the whole of 2021.

  • Increase Efficiency with Automation

Technology allows for a more automated system, where audits and tests of various systems and equipment can be done effortlessly. This automation process allows for increased efficiency in certain areas, where staff can then focus more of their time on other areas.

Using such technologies can increase operational efficiency by 131%, showing the drastic impact technology can have on a company’s productivity.

Efficiency boosts productivity and profits, which can then work towards creating a positive corporate culture.

  • Reach Sustainability Goals

Technology is getting better at helping offices go paperless (or paper-reduced), where digital documents, whiteboards, and collaboration means less printing. This reduces the amount of paper and ink which companies are using, improving the environmental footprint left by businesses.

Technology allows for staff to meet with clients virtually, which also means that they reduce their carbon footprint due to not having to commute to and from a location. Having a sustainable business model helps promote a positive corporate culture through mitigating the risk of any future losses, where the business is more attractive to a new generation of customers and prospective employees.

Rekkruut is a perfect example of running a sustainable business, where all activities are carried out digitally.

  • Improves Training and Learning

A lot of jobseekers and employees in the current employment market are keen for change, growth, and development. Technology helps feed this demand, where hybrid training programs use software to create richer and interactive experiences. Examples include virtual reality, to eLearning courses, to micro-learning modules.

This helps create a positive corporate culture, where learning is absorbed as part of a company’s mission, allowing for staff to upskill and adapt to new trends.

Get started on improving your company culture with technology!

We hope this article has helped you understand the value of using technology to adopt a positive corporate culture. Remember – technology is an essential tool for profitability, improved retention, and overall productivity.

Have more suggestions on how technology may impact corporate culture? Give us an email at, or let us know on our LinkedIn or Facebook Pages!

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