
How To Negotiate a Job Offer With Confidence

It can be a difficult thing negotiating, especially when there’s lives depending on you. You’ve been told there are 12 people who have been taken hostage by a masked robber in a bank, and it’s up to you to make sure they get out alive. So, what do you do? Well, first you have to……

The Pros and Cons of Freelancing: Is It Perfect for You?

Freelancing, the ultimate dream of being your own boss, setting your own hours, and working in your PJs all day. Sounds like a piece of cake, right? Well, not exactly. Is it all sunshine and rainbows, or are there some thorns hiding beneath the surface? In this blog post, we will explore the pros and…

The 5 Best Corporate Culture Examples That Companies Can Learn From

Corporate culture has been a buzzword for quite some time now, but its importance has only grown in recent years. A strong culture not only attracts top talent, but it also drives productivity and innovation. However, creating a strong corporate culture is easier said than done. Luckily, there are companies out there that have mastered…

How to use AI in Recruitment to Succeed

Perhaps one of the biggest plots for sci-fi movies over the last few decades has been around how AI will take over the world. Our fear of Artificial Intelligence is the 21st Century’s take on witchcraft. But no, unfortunately we won’t be seeing Will Smith burn any robots at the stake any time soon. It’s…

20 Highest Paying Careers

Money doesn’t buy happiness. A phrase I hear all the time. Perhaps this is correct if you directly link the two, however, I believe that money can certainly provide the opportunity for freedom. In turn, freedom gives people the opportunity to be happy. Now, I’m not saying this from a position of being wealthy –…